As an admin user of an organisation, you can invite users to access your organisation. Once a user joins your organisation, you will be able to change the user's role according to future needs and responsibilities.
As an administrator, you ensure that users have the appropriate role as this will determine what data and functionalities they will be able to access/use. To find out more about the different types of roles users can have on the Boxall ProfileĀ® Online, please click here.
To see and change/remove the role of a user, follow these steps (shown in the image above):
- From the dashboard, hover over 'my account' (at the top of the page) and click on 'Manage users'.
- You will see a list of current users. Find the user whom you would like to change the role or remove, and click on 'Update'/'Remove'. Users will be displayed in alphabetical order with administrators at the top. You can search for a user via the search function.
- A drop-down menu will appear for you to select/remove the new role of the user. Once selected, click on 'Update role'/'Remove access' as applicable.
The platform will then take you back to the list of current users and you will be able to see their updated role.
Please note this will not delete their account or their personal data.