Welcome to the new Boxall Profile Online Class and Group reports and learning plans.
1. You will find a new report and learning plan button on the class or group tabs.
2. The platform recognises if more than one assessment type has been used and you can select which you would like to include for the report and learning plan.
3. The new class or group report shows average scores for each strand across the group or class, levels of difficulty for each question and the key at the bottom of the page shows how the shading has been calculated.
4. You can save the report as a pdf.
5. To create a class or group learning plan select the new icon on the group or class tabs.
6. Select the target areas that you would like to include in the learning plan and follow the five steps. Targets, Strategies, Resources, Criteria and View.
7. Once your learning plan is complete you can save as a pdf or print. You can also edit the plan to add a new target.
Any questions please get in touch with our support team using this form