Welcome to the new Boxall Profile Online data comparison dashboard.
1. Click compare data on your homepage to get started.
2. Here you will see a snapshot of your whole school data, levels of developmental and diagnostic difficulty across the school, the number of pupils who have been assessed and the split by gender (including gender neutral if applicable). You can filter by strand and additional filters. All data is based on the latest assessments.
3. You can save the snapshot as a pdf.
4. You can now create a report comparing data between TWO time periods. Please note you will need to have completed multiple assessments for each pupil to make comparisons.
5. Select the date ranges you would like to compare. For example this academic year versus last academic year.
6. Filter your data by whole school, groups or classes and other available filters.
7. You can select to only include EBPs with assessments in both date ranges. Click to view report.
8. You can now view your comparison report and track and measure progress for developmental and diagnostic difficulties across the chosen date range and filters.
9. You can save a pdf of your report to print or share with colleagues.
Any questions please get in touch with our support team using this form