Online by card: This is the easiest and quickest way to pay for your subscription. You can do this once signed in, by heading to the 'Subscriptions & Payments' section of your Boxall Profile® Online account.
**Paying online by card is the only way to gain immediate access to your subscription**
Pay by invoice: If paying by card isn't an option for your setting we can also invoice for payment. To arrange to pay for a Boxall Profile® Online subscription by invoice, please follow the guidance below:
1. Your setting/organisation has not previously used the Boxall Profile® Online:
- Please sign up for your personal account here.
- You will then be asked to provide further details about your setting/organisation.
- Once confirmed your personal account will then be linked to the organisation that you have selected or created,
- Navigate to the 'Subscription & Payments' section where all subscription options are available, including a 30 day free trial (no card details required)
- Choose the subscription which best meets your requirements, select 'Request an invoice' and provide the information requested.
- You will receive your invoice within 1 day.
- We strongly recommend paying electronically, sending cheques can cause delays to the activation of your subscription.
- Please note that currently subscriptions paid by invoice do not automatically renew at the end of the subscription period.
2. Your setting/organisation has previously used the Boxall Profile® Online:
- The admin user of the organisation should log-in and head to the 'Subscription & Payments' section where all the subscription options are available.
- Choose the subscription which best meets your requirements, select 'Request an invoice' and provide the information requested.
- You will receive your invoice within 1 day.
- We strongly recommend paying electronically, sending cheques can cause delays to the activation of your subscription.
- If you are not currently linked to the organisation the admin user can invite you as soon as the subscription is active.
- Please note that currently subscriptions paid by invoice do not automatically renew at the end of the subscription period.
How long will it take before I can access my subscription when paying by invoice?
Your subscription will not be activated until we have received and reconciled your payment, To ensure that this process is not delayed please ensure that you adhere to the guidance in point 1. of the Terms and Conditions:
- You understand that when making a Bacs payment it is a requirement that you provide the invoice number as the reference for the payment and forward a remittance to and that failure to do so is likely to result in delays to the activation of the requested subscription.
Once the payment has been made reconciliation can take at least 1 week, longer during busy periods.
If you have any questions please email