Any admin person within a school or organisation can give other staff or educational professionals who are assessing pupils access to EBPs.
Access to EBPs can be given on an individual or group/class basis.
Removing access to EBPs can only be done on an individual basis.
Staff and Educational professionals (types of users) assessing pupils as part of your Boxall Profile Online organisation have limited access to EBPs and assessments. To read more about the different types of roles, click here
You can only give access to users already part of your organisation. To learn how to invite users, click here
To give access to individual EBPs
Go to ‘My EBPs’ and select the EBPs from the tiles, scroll down to the bottom and click ‘Give access to’. Access is immediate and so it’s a good idea to double check the EBPs before you click the dropdown.
To give access to group/bulk EBPs
Go to ‘My Groups’ and click on ‘View EBPs’ of the relevant group.
Select the EBPs from the list, scroll down to the bottom and click ‘Give access to’.
To give access to class EBPs
Follow the same steps as above for groups but go to ‘My Classes’.
To remove access
Find the individual EBP record and scroll down to see ‘Users who can view this record’.
Click on ‘Remove access’. This will be immediate.
You can also give access from the individual EBP record.